Energy Healing
For the Confident Empath
You come home from work and feel too tired to do what you love?
You wish you had more energy
to focus on developing the business you do love
and eat healthier meals
and even give those yoga videos another go?
You are so ready to feel lighter, freer, and happier?
It's going to sound really simplistic, and yet, energy healing can be what sets the ball rolling for you.
We live in a beautiful aquarium.
And no one ever taught us to connect vertically to the light, to make sure our 'filters' inside that aquarium stayed cleaned.
Without a 'cleanish' aquarium, we can feel sluggish,
scared and anxious (it is murky)
and really not magnetic.
I mean that's when I would overeat because I already felt so low. Might as well eat a bunch, you know?
But here, today, right now,
things can change.
You can learn a proven method of connecting to the light,
working with tall archangels and delegate more of your to do list to the universe
changing those filters of your aquarium,
so your water becomes as crystal clear
as those waters in the Virgin Islands. ​
It's easier to be centered and certain when we feel 'cleaner' on the inside.
You are your own energy healer.
By learning invocations,
seeing the light,
going up to the light,
you'll do angel healing on yourself and your space.
Plus learn to clean cords and so much more.
It just takes practice:
Step 1: Download all mp3 on this page
Step 2: transfer them to your playlist on your phone.
Step 3: come back and watch the videos
Step 4: Listen to a track before and after work or when you can do some connecting and clearing.
How to have more energy after work
25 minute energy healing session
Let's cut to the truth.
You are not here to provide until you take your last breath.
You are an incredible being with centers of energies meant to attract all that you could ever need and want on this planet.
Safety, approval, a home, friends, love, a career you love... you can easily manifest it just by calling it in using your energy. My clients and myself have been living proof that they can materialize what they decide to experience.
Being on the hamster's wheel can feel safe but it's probably getting tiring by now, right?
Your chakras are so poweful and in this audio you'll learn how to connect vertically in a way that will get you to use the earth's energy to clear your chakras and then energize htem using the energy from Source. It's mega powerful.
It's 25 minutes taken from a healing session I had with a client.
1. Have you ever asked angels to help you?
They can be amazing energy boosters!
Just reading about them can lift you up and out of fear and other low vibe energies.
Meditating with them allows you to stop the draining habit of self reliance. You can succeed with more 'God' reliance.
Meditating with Angels is your ultimate Energy Clearing Super Tool
Chakra Clearing Meditation Albums
'It's like spending an hour in heaven"
The 10 minutes it will take you to save these audios on your phone's playlist is time you will save at night when you can't sleep or when you feel triggered or frustrated.
Just hit play.
It clears up rooms, pets, homes, cars, offices and each of your chakras inside your 'cosmic aquarium'.
2. The Confident Empath
Recorded Live
In this guided energy healing meditation you'll be able to
bring your root chakra back to its original coding without the thumbprints of well-meaning but limiting parental figures. This is vital if you want to stay open to receiving from a new source of revenue in your life (besides your current paycheck). 💕
Co-create with the universe a new life paradigm where you imagine an ideal solution for a sticky recurring problem in your life. You are so worthy to move beyond the problem into a stable and trusting solution that sticks.
Activate your Wings: This tells the universe to align your heart, your actions, even your routines to closely match with your most fulfilling life purpose here on the plane as an earth angel (your cover's up!) 🎤
Turn up the radio dial on your soul. If you feel off and depressed and not sure what you're here to do, you're going to feel the fire burning again in your belly. 🔥Yes, you may finally get off the couch and realize, it's time to get going!
And my ultimate fav!! You'll install your very own cheerleader in your home. In every room, in every mirror, you'll feel a positive, cheerful, supportive voice praising you. This one is essential if your love language is positivity and words. I thrive on positive feedback and the best sort of feedback is your own.
You ready to have the best decade of your life yet!?​
Want to go into a theta brainwave and command new downloads into your 'aquarium' aka your energy body which is connected to your subconscious mind? You'll get to do that too in this audio.
You're the hero in your own life today.
Let's get this baby into your phone's playlist.
Let's name it: My Best Decade Ever!
3. Becoming a Well Paid -
Confident Empath
Train your Super Power
About your Guide, Alixe K. Tracey (Danielle Dove) ​
I have been a location-free full time healer/therapist for 13 years with sold out workshops, classes and retreats from Hawaii to Paris, Las Vegas and Geneva. How can I travel and see so many people as an ultra sensitive empath? Easy!
I connect Vertically before, during and after all human interactions.
I have a strategy I channeled and have been teaching I’d love to share with you so you too can feel so confident as a empathetic therapist that you’ll keep going for decades and only feel more confident and more capable as times goes on.
Connecting to the Light vertically is something I learned early on and it's never left me since. It's been behind every door I chose to open and now I am delighted to share it with you.
The world of connecting to the light keeps on giving.
You'll be glad you decided to 'follow the light'.
With you always,
4. Connecting Vertically
The meditation that can save your life
This second meditation album clears the root chakra, hips and knees and calls on Michael and Raphael to help boost your ability to receive. It is great when you can't fall asleep or need to maniefst changes in your life like selling a home or finding a new job.
Your root chakra is the ultimate super power to manifest and call things in, a valuable tool you'll need when you're ready to manifest anything, from a parking spot to an abundant new life.
#bestdecadeever here we come!
5. Call Forward your Shield
To boost your energy as a confident empath:
You could use the power of your voice to speak invocations which leads to a protective shield.
You could create a designated sacred space at home as your 'energy reboost' station.
The more you connect vertically, the easier it will be to clear blocks to the abundance and the freedom lifestyle you wish to co-create with the universe.
There are more courses available on Voice and Visibility for the Confident Empath, as well a Money Magnet Audio Course to manifest $10,000 or more with ease.
Send us an email if you want more info:
For 13 years, women in my circle have trained their intuition to do soul-aligning healing in order to manifest more abundance, joy, and freedom. It's not too late to have your best decade ever! ​
1:1 Complimentary
Let's Kickstart Your Most Abundant Decade Ever
How to have your best decade yet even with the worst problems (abusive boss, burnout, debt, depression, divorce). There's nothing we can't fix! I'll give you a step-by-step blueprint to keep you on the receiving end of life's miracles. >